Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Create a memory - vote for us!

You know Jones sodas? The three dollars a bottle, hyper-colored, candy-flavored varieties sold at specialty stores and Panera (that's St. Louis Bread Company to you locals)?

Well, they have the funkiest labels and have new submissions regularly. I couldn't resist uploading a few of Jack (and one of big sister Jamee). Please take a second and vote - wouldn't it be great to see his bottle out on the shelves. It's a real possibility - they have several winners every month that they print, so DO IT! :)

(We don't win anything except the celebrity of being on a Jones bottle - and maybe a submission for Jack's memory box.) I tried to keep the flavors/colors in mind - green apple is shocking green, bright blue, rootbeer, you get the idea.

Blue Bubble Gum

any flavor you like

Green Apple contendor

*our spooky halloween submission for their limited edition label ;)*
Monster Mojito, maybe

Root Beer, anyone?

Orange and Cream, perhaps?

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